Dive into the toolkits
Who is BBBeyond
Supported by the European Commission, Brussels Binder Beyond (BBBeyond) builds upon The Brussels Binder initiative with the idea to bring the efforts of The Brussels Binder “Beyond” Brussels, across Europe. BBBeyond aims to achieve the following objectives:
Build a pan-European network of women expert databases, think-tanks and like-minded organisations across Europe that not only raises awareness of the issue of underrepresentation of women, but creates a synergy and collaborative space to promote women’s visibility.
Together with the creation of synergies from the BBBeyond network, improve the usage of existing women expert databases, share best practices and build an online repository that will gather them in one single place – The Brussels Binder website!
Co-create practical tools for diverse and innovative convening which includes the development of these toolkits.
So far over 80 like-minded organisations, think-tanks and women expert databases, representing 19 European countries have joined the BBBeyond network. If you are interested in joining the network and would like to know more about BBBeyond, you can contact the Project Coordinator, Emma Rainey.